What Melo should really do…

Now that the NBA season has concluded, the biggest free agent to test the market this year will be Knicks Carmelo Anthony and all eyes are on him.  As much as he has a bad reputation of stopping the ball and playing zero defense teams are still interested.  Why? Because the game is about buckets and this guy can fill it up on any given night.  I hate that analysts or just fans for that matter want to throw negative energy his way, nobody and I mean nobody has Tony Allen as their favorite player.  So just kill me with this defense shit that you claim, its overrated in a league where if you touch a guy its a foul. And god forbid a hard foul, those which were good basketball plays some years ago are now technicals and flagrants on a regular basis.  So far the two teams leading these free agent discussions are Chicago and Houston.  And as of late he has mentioned that he would like to play with long life friend Lebron James who just lost in the Nba Finals.  So first things first, Melo is going to opt out of his contract.  Opting in is ridiculously stupid and for people to even suggest it is fucking stupid.  Granted it would give the team more wiggle room as far as cap space goes but lets not forget it is a business.  The Clippers sold for billions of dollars, if that man wants to get paid shit let him get paid.  I will never hate on somebody who wants to make money and neither should you.  And while we are speaking numbers if he leaves New York he would be leaving 79 million on the table and that is a lot of cash. Man I’ll lose my nutshell if I ever touched one million . But thats neither here or there. As a Knick and Carmelo fan I would love to see him stay here in New York and work under the Zenmaster.   Phil took this position with the hope that Carmelo would be here, and he has stated this numerous times. Now will have to show some type of promise to keep the superstar, absolutely.  It has started with the hiring of Nba Champion Derek Fisher and making it public that he will be trading Raymond Felton. Both decisions in which I am happy about even though I think Mark Jackson could have been a great fit as well.

But if he decides to leave I think his best fit will be in Chicago.  This team competes hard every year and have been doing without former MVP Derrick Rose. Now for arguments sake, lets just say Rose is healthy that lineup would be stupid.  And if Tom could get Melo to embrace the defensive mindset that is established in Chicago I can see how it could workout. If I am Carmelo I am staying away from Houston for several reasons.  First off because they don’t have an established point guard, do we really want to see the Lin and Melo combo again?  Granted they do have D12 and James Harden but they are also playing in the West which by far is the more superior conference.  And with Harden already establishing himself as the guy in Houston, how do you think he will react when Melo lands there and the 4th quarter end of games play are now drawn out for him.  Plus as great as D12 can be his mindset and mentality is still not where it needs to be. Now if he happens to pair with LBJ in Miami or in New York that duo will be deadly.  As much as I don’t want to see it happen I am completely aware of the force those two could be on the court together.  But all this is just talk and hearsay for now. Teams will make moves and then get better in the draft as well.  Whatever his decision maybe I just want the guy to win and get a chance at least to hold up one of them things at the end of the season.


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