It is finally here folks, the AFC and NFC championship games will be played tomorrow and the winners get to battle for all the marbles next month in NJ.  The anticipation for these heated rivalries has been at a premium.  There has been non-stop media coverage of the four teams leading into tomorrow.  Each game will display the brilliance of football on both ends.  While the AFC championship will be directly correlated on the offensive side, the NFC championship will be a battle of defense.   So whether you’re a fan of high-powered offenses and touchdowns or big time hits, tomorrow you will be glued to your television from 3 o’clock to bout 9 as these games promise to deliver.

Manning vs Brady, Brady vs Manning that is basically all you heard about this week.  The two future hall of fame quarterbacks will play each other for the third time in the AFC championship with advantage Tom.   For Peyton, it’s a chance to beat his nemesis, the opportunity to play in his 3rd Super Bowl and eclipse which has been a remarkable season thus far for the 37-year-old. Manning has basically broke every passing, yardage and touchdown record possible.  However his success or lack there of in the post-season has always been his downfall or stain to his legacy. Not to mention he only has one Super Bowl ring, when baby brother Eli has two . Ironically those two were against Tom Brady.  Brady on the other hand, with a win will play in his 6th Superbowl if the Patriots make it to Met Life.  Brady along with Belichick are a dangerous combination to deal with and their post-season record proves that.  Can you imagine if Brady actually had 5 Superbowl rings? Regardless Brady has proven regardless of who you surround him with, when he is under center you have a legit shot of winning football games.  The Patriots season has been plagued with injuries, yet none of that seems to matter.  The franchise is proof in the theory next man up.  While the team isn’t as high-powered as past championship teams they find ways to get it done through preparation and execution on the field.  I think Peyton finds a way to get it done in Denver and moving one step closer to that trophy.

The NFC title game will highlight two of the best defenses in the league.  The teams will be very intense, physical and passionate as both teams have something to prove.  Unlike the experienced veteran QBs of the AFC championship the NFC game will feature the young and up-coming in Russell Wilson and Kap. For the Niners it is the third straight conference championship and chance to play in consecutive Super Bowls.  They have played on the road this entire playoff and have to do it one more time.  However this time, it’s not going to be easy. Aside from also having a great defense, the Seahawks take full advantage of playing at home.  The 12th man is real and the Hawks are a combined 16-1 in two seasons.  Not to mention they handed the Niners losses the last 4 of 5 games.  In the end I see San Fran completing the road cycle and battling Denver in the Super Bowl.  I think their experience will prevail against the Hawks and I see Kap having a better game then Wilson.