PARKER and SMART show Out

Everyone is comparing this year’s NBA Draft to the 03 draft because of the amount of versatile and skilled players entering.  I think this will be one of the best drafts we’ve had since 03 but comparing it just seems a little bit over the top.  Do I even need to mention the class of 03? However if your an NBA GM and tanking is your philosophy, there are quite some quality gems.  This year all of us will have the enjoyment of watching four freshman takeover the basketball scene.  Julius Randle (Kentucky) Andrew Wiggins ( Kansas) Jabari Parker (Duke) and Aaron Gordon (Arizona) all have displayed their talent early into the basketball season.  Gordon doesn’t get as much publicity as he should, I strongly believe because he plays in the PAC-12 but trust me he will be consistent in your SC top ten this year.  I choose to display the Parker highlights because 3 of the 4 recruits all played and I think Parker had the best game despite losing to Kansas.  The 6’8 Chicago native in his hometown ceased the moment and put on a show.  He has a nice stroke from 3 and can score inside as well.  He is very versatile and has an NBA body,  his future looks the most promising of the 3 to me because of the skill set he already brings to the table.

Marcus Smart who was predicted to be a lottery pick last year chose to stay one more year and he is reaping the benefits from it.  The NBA is a guard driven league and if you want success you need great PG play.  And if a team wants to start to build around one he is your guy.  He has increased his percentage especially from 3 point range which is always a plus. But the aspect I’m most impressed with Smart is his physicality.  This is a 200 pound PG with range and can post up as you can see in the highlights above.  Whoever gets this kid next year will be lucky. Has All-Star written all over him.

Rose Hurt Again

After an MRI yesterday it was discovered that Rose suffered a right torn meniscus and will be out indefinitely.  This is sad news after the one time MVP missed a season from a torn ACL injury.  Timetables haven’t been determined just yet but this is consecutive knee injuries that will sideline the superstar.  I’m almost positive that he will be eager to get back on the court once he is cleared again.  This really makes it hard for Chicago once again because they were just getting accustomed to having him back in the lineup and setting the tone. Rose had shown flashes of his quickness at times but you could tell the rust hadn’t entirely worn off.  I wish he has a speedy recovery. We all start to wonder whether how the future of Rose will play out if this continues.


With the NBA season in full effect, I am one happy camper.  As I have written before this will be one of the most anticipated seasons in recent years.  With an intense NBA finals last year everybody will be anxious to see who will be holding the trophy at the end of the season.  I will share my thoughts on some teams that have got a lot of attention from each conference. Mind you it is early so things will likely change as the season progresses.

Eastern Conference – The five teams that have been talked about the most are the Heat, Pacers, Bulls, Knicks, Nets

Heat – Defending champs and in glimpses have looked like the champs. They have the habit of playing to their competition and because of it lost to a rebuilding 76ers team.  The Heat have the on button and when they hit the switch they turn up the defensive pressure and are at their best. You can tell it is early and they really don’t take these games seriously.  LBJ looks as if he is only getting better and that thought alone is scary.

Bulls- The Bulls with Rose haven’t gotten it all together yet.  The team is adjusting to having Rose back in the lineup and will take time to develop chemistry on the offensive end.  They are still a very physical team and will be a handful come playoffs.  Rose has flashed some quick and explosive moves but hasn’t been his MVP self yet.

Pacers – Undefeated – I think that says it all

Nets – The Nets have suffered losses from Orlando and Washington.  With time the team will get better.  I think people gave this team to much credit and too much high expectations after the rebuilding that took place this off summer.  What you have to realize is that they won’t gel instantly, it takes time.  But with the right players and veterans this team will get better.

Knicks – The Knicks have also had a slow start.  To add insult they just lost Tyson Chandler for about 4-6 weeks.  The team will get back JR Smith and they desperately need his offense.  Bargs will play the 5 until Tyson returns.  The Knicks will have work to do, and without their center it will be about effort on the defensive end.


Rockets – The Rockets landed the free agent of the year D12 and he looks healthy.  The Rockets still have not found a way to utilize the big man yet from what I’ve seen so far. But they will make noise because they are young and big

Clippers – Doc Rivers has installed an offense that fits the Clippers perfectly. The biggest mission this year is to have DJ be an defensive force in the middle. And if that happens they can make a trip to the Western Conference Finals.

Thunder – With Westbrook back the Thunder pick up from where they left off.  The key to the team this year will be the role players and if they can provide quality minutes.  Adams, Jackson and Lamb have looked good so far this season.

Wolves – The wolves have a sneaky good team this year.  LOVE is a guaranteed double-double every night and have added a great scorer in Kevin Martin to the mix.

There are a lot of interesting teams this year.  It will literally take me pages to evaluate each one.  But these were the teams I have been able to see so far.  I will continue to write and share my thoughts as the season shapes.

It all Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow it begins, a very much anticipated NBA season.  The marquee game will be between Chicago and Miami.  The Clippers will play the Lakers after as the second half of the double header on TNT.  However with no Kobe it just doesn’t have the same magnitude as the so called Battle of LA.  The Clippers are a better team and with Doc at the helm they can be dangerous.  But back to the topic, Rose a one-time MVP will begin his comeback season facing the defending champions.  And I for the record think the Bulls will upset the Heat in Miami after they receive their rings.  Below are the top ten plays of the preseason so far.

Rose for 30

YES YES YES the NBA season is almost here, and I can’t wait.  This year will be even better then last year. I know that’s hard to imagine but trust me its true.  One of the biggest stories that will be covered is the return of MVP Derrick Rose in Chicago.  I know it is just preseason but from what I have seen, he looks good.  And by good I mean he hasn’t lost a step.  In fact it almost looks like he gained one, and put on more muscle in the off-season.  According to him he is even jumping higher as well. ( That I don’t believe )  Chicago made some noise in the playoffs last year and you can believe they will make even more now with him in the lineup.  I was a big critic last year when he decided not to play and so far it looks like it was the right decision. Here are the highlights of his 30 point performance in a preseason win over the Pacers.