Rose for 30

YES YES YES the NBA season is almost here, and I can’t wait.  This year will be even better then last year. I know that’s hard to imagine but trust me its true.  One of the biggest stories that will be covered is the return of MVP Derrick Rose in Chicago.  I know it is just preseason but from what I have seen, he looks good.  And by good I mean he hasn’t lost a step.  In fact it almost looks like he gained one, and put on more muscle in the off-season.  According to him he is even jumping higher as well. ( That I don’t believe )  Chicago made some noise in the playoffs last year and you can believe they will make even more now with him in the lineup.  I was a big critic last year when he decided not to play and so far it looks like it was the right decision. Here are the highlights of his 30 point performance in a preseason win over the Pacers.